
Currently I'm pursuing my Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering. I am always eager to try out new technologies. Difficult challenges pique my interest. Tougher tasks always provide me with a better learning experience.

Technical Skills

  • Languages
  • Rust, Scala, Python, SQL
  • C/C++, Bash, Java
  • Environment
  • Fedora, Ubuntu, Windows
    Operating System
  • Android Studio, Eclipse
  • Git
    Version Control
  • Vim, Notepad++
    Text Editors
  • Misc
  • SpringBoot, Hbase, Spark,Flask
  • Hbase
  • Clap, Mercurial, Couchbase, Latex
    Things I have dabbled in


  • American Express
  • Technology Intern
  • January 2019 - June 2019
  • Smart Monitoring



Dungeon Runner

Dungeon Runner

It is a platform game created in Java and ported to Android. It involves guiding a sprite to jump between suspended platforms.The aim of the game is to collect stars in Level 1 and the golden fruit in Level 2. The player scores a point evenry time he collect a star/golden fruit. Falling off the platform ends the game. The sprite uses a pistol-sword to shoot enemies.

Intelligent Traffic Lights

As part of the Infosys Hackathon an Intelligent Traffic Lights system was created. Crowd-sourcing was used to collect real-time data using an Android application for GPS tracking. The crowd sourced data was sent to a locally hosted server written in Flask. The collected data was used to calculate the modified green and red light time. The changed red and green light was displayed in the terminal.

Pool on Wheels

It is a transport pooling system for hostellers. It consists of an Android application at the front end written in Java. Firebase has been used to maintain a real time database


It is a movie recommendation sytem. The implementation of this system began with the Collaborative filtering approach in which recommendations are based on similarity of items or similarity among users tastes. Among many collaborative filtering techniques, Matrix Factorisation has proven to be effective in this field. One such matrix factorisation algorithm is the Alternating Least Squares which has been utilized in this system. This algorithm is efficient in tackling the Cold Start problem and Sparse Matrix data


Smart Monitoring

Smart Monitoring, an industry-leading risk management approach, transformed a process that previously relied on manual testing to create an integrated data-driven platform that detects and addresses potential risks in real time